13.08.2020 “The Sustainable Campus Project expects more partnerships of this type to emerge over time”
Hello guys!
I come to talk about an international partnership between the Sustainable Campus Project and the Memorial University of Newfoundland, which I am in charge of. I’m Guilherme Martinelli (22), I’m an Electrical Engineering student at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and an intern at the Sustainable Campus Project.
I’ve always been attracted by the engineering area, and later by the electrical field, for presenting a wide variety of applications and for being an area that is always in constant development, being essential for the advancement of our technologies, comfort and safety.
Today, my professional projection is to continue in the area of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, which led me to be an intern at the Sustainable Campus and it has been the gateway to enter this world.
Going back a while ago, when I joined Unicamp, I knew that there was the possibility of doing an exchange at some partner University in the most diverse countries. This piqued my interest in being able to have contact with engineering from an international perspective, in addition to learning about new cultures and languages. It was then that the possibility arose to carry out a Double Diploma Exchange in France, where I spent two years, continuing my studies in Electrical Engineering.
This experience showed me the various benefits of having an international contact, opening new horizons and enabling me to exchange ideas, languages, cultures and values, which is nothing more than the very essence of the word “exchange”.
Now, let’s talk about the partnership with the University of Newfoundland.
Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) is an University based in St. John’s, the capital of the Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, and is one of the largest Universities in Atlantic Canada. Founded in 1925, its name is in honor to the Newfoundland heroes who gave their lives during the World War I.
A few months ago, a group of Master’s students in Energy Systems from MUM found us through this website and got in touch – which already shows the importance of having an English version of the website.
These students are working on a project which consists of developing a more sustainable and more energy efficient campus. In more detail, the project is about conducting a study and model of a smart grid at the University of Newfoundland.
This grid would have the capacity for Renewable Generation to satisfy at least 25% of the current energy demand on campus, it would have an Energy Management System and recharging points for electric vehicles (electroparts). As soon as the studies and models are carried out, they will serve as an initiative to be actually implemented at the University in the future.
Thus, cooperation is sustained because we are reference in this area, given our progress and development in projects that are similar to their objectives. Thus, the Master’s Students would like some guidance to help them in this work. Since then, we’ve provided documents guilding them on topics that have questions and scheduling meetings between teams.
This partnership establishes contact with a foreign University and allows us to Exchange ideas, perspectives and realities. It also symbolizes a major step towards the ideal of the Sustainable Campus Project, which is to become a model of energy management and efficiency for Universities around the world to be inspired and help make the Planet a more Sustainable place.
The Sustainable Campus Project expects more partnerships of this type to emerge over time.
Guilherme Martinelli | Electrical Engineering Academic and Intern at Sustainable Campus – written text
Giovana Sanches | Sustainable Campus – imagery text
Stephanie Biasotto | Sustainable Campus – text translation.