With a duration of 36 months and beginning in January 2018 it is intended to obtain gradual economy with electricity expenses in UNICAMP with the goal of achieving at least 1 million savings per year, of the current expenditure of BRL R$ 25 million only in Baraão Geraldo’s Campus. The savings will be the result of eight integrated actions including the installation of a modern system to measure the comsumption of each building connected in real time to the center of system operation, the construction of solar photovoltaic generation systems, the replacement of old air conditioning units by other modern and more eficiente ones, the introduction of electrical buses in the Campus’ internal circular transport system, the installation of sensors (IoT) to help users improve the management of the electrical infrastructure, the development of a labeling plan for the buildings in Campus, the improvement of the University’s energy contracting process, and the elaboration of an energy efficiency training program that reaches students, employees, teachers and managers.
In addition to saving energy and Money for the University, the Project infrastructure will also be integrated into the teaching and research system, exploring the concept that the Campus can be seen as a living laboratory for the study and development of new tecnologies.
With the execution and dissemination of this Project, Unicamp (which is today seen as a success model in teaching and research, also intends to place itself as a model of energy management and efficiency for other major universities in Brazil and Latin America. The Project team Works on a voluntary basis and is open to the participation of newstakeholders, simply contacting its coordinator, Prof. Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva from the FEEC(Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering).